Can you be the fittest?
How many steps do you take in a day? How does your activity affect your sleep habits? Stress levels? Appetite?
Compete in the 2023 Darwin Day Step Challenge from January 30–February 5 to find out!
Registration will be open from January 9–28 for individuals or teams (limit of ten members). Participants will be required to fill out an initial demographic survey. From there, use your preferred fitness tracker or phone app to monitor your steps. A brief daily survey will ask about your sleep, stress, and appetite, along with your step count.
Because the Step Challenge is similar to data collected by our Darwin Day speaker Herman Pontzer in his research, winners will be announced at the Darwin Day Lecture on Wednesday, February 22.
Prizes will be awarded to the top three results in three categories:
- Total Steps Individual
- Total Steps Team
- Highest Average Steps Team

Monday, January 9, 2023Saturday, January 28, 2023, 11:59 p.m.