
CIHRS Speaker Series

Maria Kramer, “A Transactional Stress Theory of International Travel Demands: A Challenge, Hindrance, or Both?”

Based on transactional stress theory, Dr. Kraimer and her co-authors argue that international travel demands may have both positive and negative consequences for global employees. They identify three moderators to explain when international travel demands will positively relate to appraisals that global work is hindering versus challenging. Hindrance appraisals are proposed to positively relate to

Rajesh Kumar, “Self-Regulation and Expatriate Adjustment: The Role of Regulatory Fit”

Dr. Kumar draws on the construct of regulatory fit to explain how expatriates manage interactional and work-related discrepancies in diverse cultural contexts. When expatriates go overseas, they are often faced with a set of expectations that are at variance with their home country norms and these differences in expectations generate discrepancies. The emergence of discrepancies