This seminar focuses on an innovative teaching method to explain ways of knowing and research paradigms (i.e., positivism, interpretivism, and critical theory) in master's degree and doctoral degree courses. The method consists of using works of art to illustrate these paradigms, an initiative launched originally by the French philosopher Michel Foucault. Despite Foucault's influence on Management, this is a unique pedagogical initiative in IHRM. The method helps clarify and make more accessible some notions and issues which tend to be challenging to grasp for students (and researchers) without a philosophical background. The use of paintings (and other non-academic sources) can help students distinguish various ways of knowing in IHRM and reinforces information provided in more academic-oriented texts. This can, in turn, trigger the utilization of different research paradigms in an area like ours that is often accused of being overly biased and/or dominated by positivist positions.

Thursday, September 28, 2023, 11:30 a.m.