
The Sawyer Seminar Series: Birthing the Nation presents a Hybrid Research Seminar: Sikata Banerjee

Thursday, October 17, 2024
noon–1:00 p.m. ET
102 Ihlseng Cottage
The Sawyer Seminar Series: Birthing the Nation presents a Hybrid Research Seminar: Sikata Banerjee

"Martial Man/Chaste Woman: Gendering the Nation"

Observing contemporary global politics it seems to me that the concept of muscular nationalism is internationally applicable and will help us make sense of what is happening in the world. The project will draw on secondary literature, cultural expressions from diverse cultural contexts encompassing film and social media, and public spectacles (e.g. sporting events, independence day celebrations, and cultural events to celebrate national unity) to argue that muscular nationalism, with some cultural variation, is a dominant global interpretation of nation.

Sikata Banerjee is a Professor Emerita of Gender Studies, University of Victoria, Canada.

Please reach out to Hazel Velasco Palacios if you have any questions about the event or need accomodations.

Hybrid Event
102 Ihlseng Cottage


Event Type