One of the most intriguing outcomes of the current coronavirus crisis is a visible increase in so-called "fluid work" around the world. Some experts argue that work within an organization becomes more fluid, as jobs are deconstructed and reinvented, permanent employees are offered inside gigs, and work is highly automated. In addition to that, organizational work boundaries become more fluid as well, since there are other types of workers - fluid workers representing an outside workforce - that some organizations are now using more than ever before. In his talk “The Rise of Fluid Work: Latest Developments and Implications for Talent Management” Vlad Vaiman will focus on fluid workers, discuss the latest rapid developments in this area on a global scale, present practitioners' view on the phenomenon, offer theoretical and managerial implications, and introduce a few areas for research in both global and country-level talent management related to the topic.
Vlad Vaiman is professor and the associate dean at the School of Management of California Lutheran University and a visiting professor at several premier universities around the globe. He has published five books on managing talent in organizations and at a country level, as well as a number of academic and practitioner-oriented articles and book chapters on talent management and International HRM. His work appeared in Academy of Management Learning and Education, Human Resource Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Review, Journal of Business Ethics, and many others. He is also a founding editor and the chief editorial consultant of the European Journal of International Management, and an editorial board member of several prestigious academic journals, such as European Management Review, Human Resource Management Review, and Journal of Global Mobility, among others. He is a founder, co-organizer, and a leading chair of the EIASM Workshop on Talent Management and an editor of the Emerald Book Series on Talent Management.
Moderator: Elaine Farndale, professor of human resource management and director of the Center for International Human Resource Studies at Penn State.
Thursday, May 20, 2021