
“Making Space: The Huqoq Synagogue Mosaic and the Viewing Experience”

Friday, December 2, 2022
4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
102 Weaver Building
“Making Space: The Huqoq Synagogue Mosaic and the Viewing Experience”

The ongoing excavations in the village at Huqoq in Lower Eastern Galilee have uncovered a monumental, Late Roman synagogue paved with floor mosaics depicting a series of remarkable biblical and non-biblical scenes. This lecture (developed in collaboration with Dr. Karen Britt) considers the sophisticated visual strategies that were employed across the various zones within the synagogue’s mosaic program to structure and mediate the viewing experience. The composition, placement, orientation, and framing of the various mosaic panels or groups of panels in the synagogue conditioned how viewers would have moved through—and thus experienced—the carefully differentiated spaces within the building. This analysis demonstrates the value of an approach to synagogue mosaics that foregrounds their physical placement within the broader architectural environment.

Hybrid Event
102 Weaver Building

