On Thursday, April 18, 2013, Lili Hadsell was honored with The Nancy and Joseph Birkle Student Engagement Award by the Center for Democratic Deliberation. The award recognizes students in the Penn State College of the Liberal Arts who have made significant contributions to public deliberation and debate by speaking out about important political or social issues.
Lili was nominated for the award by Center for Global Workers’ Rights Director, Mark Anner, who noted in his nomination letter how Lili travelled to Central America to see firsthand working conditions in factories making clothing bearing the Penn State name, helped to re-build the Penn State chapter of United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS), worked with the administration to terminate contracts of corporations that violated workers’ rights, and promoted Alta Gracia products at Penn State, which are made by workers who receive a living wage and have a strong union with a good collective bargaining agreement. Our congratulations to Lili and to Penn State USAS for this wonderful and much deserved recognition.

Thursday, April 18, 2013, 10:00 a.m.