
LER CIHRS Speaker Series – Jaap Paauwe

Thursday, April 18, 2019
3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.
502 Keller Building
LER CIHRS Speaker Series – Jaap Paauwe

“Having benefitted in my academic career so much from my close interaction with firms, governmental bodies, trade unions, and practitioners, I increasingly feel the need to give them something in return. What could be more precious for practitioners but to give them an overview of what our field of HRM has achieved in terms of ‘proven’ findings of what really works in practice? Some people would oppose this, indicating that it all depends on the specific nature of an organization, sector, and/or country. However, I believe we have several theories and HRM practices which – let’s say – work in 80% of the cases. This book presents a concise overview of these ‘proven’ theories and ‘tested’ HRM practices related to motivating and developing employees from a manager’s actionable perspective. I will start the talk with an illustration of inclusive HRM based on the Dutch setting of historical employment relationships involving trade unions, works councils and governmental initiatives roots, and I hope to hear your thoughts on what really works in practice.”


502 Keller Building
