
An HI Faculty Invites Event: “Children’s Imagination: Striking Against OXY Corporation in the Amazon Rainforest,” with Geovanni Siquihua

Wednesday, November 8, 2023
4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Grucci Room, 102 Burrowes Building
An HI Faculty Invites Event: “Children’s Imagination: Striking Against OXY Corporation in the Amazon Rainforest,” with Geovanni Siquihua

Geovanni Siquihua is a young Kichwa leader from Sani, a community currently resisting oil extraction in the Amazon of Ecuador. In collaboration with Belén Noroña, a faculty member in the Geography Department, Siquihua is leading the "Storytelling Resistance Project" in Sani. This project seeks to document elders' memories of how the Sani community brought a transnational oil company to the table of negotiations almost twenty years ago.

With the aid of Kichwa children and youth, the project aims to document Indigenous tactics of resistance via drawings. Indeed, this small community blocked access to the Napo River, the largest river in the Amazon of Ecuador, to impede the transportation of oil logistics to assert themselves during negotiations of oil-related compensations with Occidental Petroleum Corporation (OXY) twenty years ago. In this presentation, leader Siquihua will bring elder storytelling and children's accounts of the events.

Grucci Room, 102 Burrowes Building
