
Spring Graduate Scholars Talk with Yilan Luo, Irene Momanyi, and Michael Young

Spring Graduate Scholars Talk with Yilan Luo, Irene Momanyi, and Michael Young

The Graduate Scholars in Residence program provides up to nine students in the humanities with a one-course teaching release or summer funding, enabling them to devote an entire semester to work on their dissertations.

As part of their HI residence, these scholars will deliver a talk with an update on their projects.


Meet the speakers:

a picture of Yilan in front of an urban landscape

Yilan Luo, Department of History: “Gambling History in Twentieth Century Shanghai, 1911–1965”

a headshot of Irene

Irene Kemunto Momanyi, Department of French and Francophone Studies, African Studies program: “Testimony, Trauma, and Memory in Narratives of the Genocide Against the Tutsi”

a headshot of Michael

Michael Young, Department of English: “The Sophistic Gambit: Dale Carnegie at the Origins of Speech Communication”

Virtual Event


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