Ramón del Castillo, Professor at UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educacón a Distancia, Spain)
This talk will concentrate on the second book, Filósofos de paseo, which could also be titled Philosophers wandering, or Philosophers in the open air, or also Walking heads and that is a somewhat controversial story that illustrates the comings and goings of philosophers through different spaces: gardens, parks, countryside, woods and mountains. My book can be understood as a supplement to Rebecca Solnit’s master work, Wanderlust, and studies the visions of nature of great philosophers through less-known or marginal w of their writings. We will discover, for example, some secrets that architects have revealed about Heidegger in the woods, but also why Sartre was nauseated by nature, while Simone de Beauvoir loved the sea, light, sky and water, and more. Or also why Hegel and Adorno were unable to conceive such a fantasy as "pure nature."
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Friday, October 13, 2023, 4:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.