
German Club: Spieleabend returns (German boardgames)!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019
5:30 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
157 Burrowes Building
German Club: Spieleabend returns (German boardgames)!

Come and join the German club for a fun night of German (board-)games, free pizza, soda, and gummy bears, and German music videos (in the background!).

We're looking forward to meeting old and new friends, brushing up on our German language skills, and playing old and new games again or for the very first time!

Guaranteed: one table will have the chance to play "Die Siedler von Catan"!

We'll have board games, but you are more than welcome to bring your own board games, as well -- as long as they are German or relate to German(y).

All levels are welcome, even if you don't know any/much German yet!  

Free pizza and soda at 5:30pm. Games will start around 6pm.

Wir freuen uns!

If you are planning on coming, please let us know by filling out our brief survey here  (not required, but helpful for us for planning purposes).

157 Burrowes Building
