
Panel Discussion for ‘Frozen Obsession’

Tuesday, February 23, 2021
6:00 p.m. ET
Panel Discussion for ‘Frozen Obsession’

Join a panel discussion with Professor Hester Blum, the documentary's Emmy award-winning producer/director Dave Clark, and other expedition participants after the 5:00 p.m. YouTube screening of Frozen Obsession. 

Climate change is a critical scientific and social issue, and nowhere are the consequences of a warming climate more pronounced and observable than in the Arctic region. FROZEN OBSESSION follows the 2,000-mile Northwest Passage Project expedition through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago aboard an icebreaker. The goal of the expedition's scientists, journalist, Arctic scholar, and twenty-three graduate and undergraduate students is to research, document, and communicate about the impacts of warming on the Arctic environment, its inhabitants, and the global citizenry.

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