
Expanding Empathy: Panel Discussion on Empathy and COVID-19

Wednesday, April 29, 2020
1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m.
Expanding Empathy: Panel Discussion on Empathy and COVID-19

Does empathy encourage others to engage in distancing and help others in need during this crisis? Can empathy be exhausting in a large-scale crisis like this? What are the moral dilemmas that people may face in this crisis, and what kinds of extraordinary altruism have we seen and might we expect to see moving forward?

A digital extension of the Expanding Empathy Speaker Series in the Rock Ethics Institute, Dr. Cameron (Assistant Professor in Psychology, Rock Ethics Institute) will moderate a discussion by four speakers:

Paul Conway (Assistant Professor of Psychology, Florida State)

David DeSteno (Professor of Psychology, Northeastern)

Abigail Marsh (Associate Professor of Psychology and Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program, Georgetown)

Michael Poulin (Associate Professor of Psychology, University at Buffalo)

In the live-streamed panel on Wednesday, each panelist will talk about their work and how it might relate to the current pandemic. Additionally, they will take questions from the audience as time permits. Audio and video of the “Expanding Empathy” Zoom webinars will be recorded and made available for online streaming at a later date.


