Attend the Education Abroad Fair on Wednesday October 17th, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm in Alumni Hall in the HUB and take the first step towards your study abroad journey!
Global experiences can help you gain valuable intercultural skills that will enhance your future career. Learn about all the possibilities available to you through Penn State, such as faculty-led embedded courses, faculty-led summer programs & semester or year-long programs all over the world.
The Education Abroad Fair will provide you with the opportunity to speak with Education Abroad Advisers, representatives from national and international global partners, Career Enrichment Staff members and representatives from Student Aid.
Visit the Penn State Global Programs website for more details.
Hint: Prepare for the Education Abroad Fair by learning how to maximize the career benefits of studying abroad by choosing a program that contributes to your future goals. Attend the Study Abroad and Your #CareerGoals workshop on Monday October 15th at 4 pm in Foster Auditorium. This interactive workshop will be led by a career coach and education abroad adviser to help you prioritize a study abroad experience that will align with your career goals.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.