
Deciding on Law School – Liberal Arts Career Week

Tuesday, January 25, 2022
3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. ET
Deciding on Law School – Liberal Arts Career Week

Join Kathy Garren, Penn State's Pre-Law Adviser to help you decide if law school is right for you. Kathy will share information on the admissions process, deadlines, the LSAT, and the current Penn State resources available to help you.

Penn State Law Admissions will also participate and share insight on the Penn State Law program as well as helpful advice within the law school application process. 

This event will be virtual. Details below.

This event is part of Liberal Arts Career Week, January 24-28. Visit our website ( for the full schedule of events. #LACareerWeek

Liberal Arts Career Week is provided by the Liberal Arts Career Enrichment Network. If you have questions, please contact or 814-865-1070.

Zoom link available here. Please sign-in with your Penn State account. 

Virtual Event
