
The 2022-2023 Child Study Center’s Lois Bloom Lecture

The 2022-2023 Child Study Center’s Lois Bloom Lecture

Cynthia García-Coll, Ph.D.
Charles Pitts Robinson and John Palmer Barstow Professor Emerita, Brown University; Adjunct Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Puerto Rico

“Perspectives in the Study of ‘Minoritized’ Children and Families: The Need for a Paradigm Shift”

Historically, both theoretically and empirically, "minoritized" children and families have been predominantly studied from deficit perspectives. More recent theoretical frameworks identify shortcomings in our prevalent theories, constructs, and empirical approaches to these populations. A paradigm shift is needed that will start by examining critically our graduate training, our prevalent research methods, and our mechanisms for funding and publishing.

View the flyer for more information.

127 Moore Building
