
CSC Innovation Hub Symposium 2022

Friday, January 14, 2022
8:50 a.m.–noon ET
CSC Innovation Hub Symposium 2022

Elizabeth Letourneau, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Catherine Bradshaw, Ph.D., University of Virginia
Lisa Saldana, Ph.D., Oregon Social Learning Center
Jennie Noll, Ph.D., Penn State
Kate Guastaferro, Ph.D., Penn State

"Leveraging Systems to Improve and Expand Child Sexual Abuse Prevention"

Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a public health concern of considerable magnitude, affecting 1 in 5 females and 1 in 10 males. CSA is associated with a host of consequences including mental and physical health problems, relationship difficulties, revictimization, drug and alcohol addiction, teenage childbearing, and sexual dysfunction conferring a lifetime economic burden estimated to exceed $9.3B. Annual incidence rates in the U.S. have plateaued over the past few decades—an indication that prevention efforts are in need of innovation. The focus of the CSC Innovation Hub Symposium 2022 will involve leveraging large public systems – such as the child protective service system or the school system – to extend CSA prevention efforts and reach both universal and high risk audiences. Applied examples of how various systems have been useful launching points for primary prevention, as well as the implementation challenges for doing so will be presented and discussed with respect to impacting evidence-informed policy and practice.

Co-Sponsored by the Child Maltreatment Solutions Network

Registration required

Virtual Event
