
The Comparative Literature Luncheon Series: Julie Park

Monday, February 10, 2025
12:15 p.m.–1:30 p.m.
102 Kern Building
The Comparative Literature Luncheon Series: Julie Park
“The Extra-Illustrated Manuscript as Memory Palace: Archiving the House of the Walpoles”

Extra-illustration is a word and image practice in which readers alter their books through adding visual elements to them. It was a means for archiving the self through preserving one’s interpretation of a text with personally selected images. In the case of eighteenth-century writer Horace Walpole’s extra-illustrated manuscript for Aedes Walpolianae (‘The House of the Walpoles’) (1747), a room-by-room description of the art collection of Houghton Hall, Walpole’s ancestral home, the extra-illustrated book function both as a personal archive and a multi-media mode of writing through integrating two forms of print: printed text with visual prints, and multiple forms of line-making: script, drawing and engraving. Walpole’s manuscript will be placed within the framework of memory and archival studies where the archive is conceived as a concrete place that registers also as an imaginary space the more deeply one ventures into the paper materials of one’s past that it houses.

A headshot of Julie Park wearing an oversized dark green blouse.
A headshot of Julie Park wearing an oversized dark green blouse.
102 Kern Building