
Comparative Literature Luncheon Series: “Comparative Literature Studies (CLS) and New Directions: A Departmental Project” 

Monday, February 28, 2022
12:15 p.m.–1:30 p.m. ET
Comparative Literature Luncheon Series: “Comparative Literature Studies (CLS) and New Directions: A Departmental Project” 

Comparative Literature Studies (CLS) and New Directions: A Departmental Project” 

Nergis Ertürk and Shuang Shen

Housed in the Department of Comparative Literature at Penn State, the journal Comparative Literature Studies publishes critical comparative essays on literature, cultural production, the relationship between aesthetics and political thought, and histories and philosophies of form across the world. The incoming editor Nergis Ertürk and associate editor Shuang Shen will discuss the journal’s new direction and current projects.

Virtual Event
