Title: “Longitudinal Research in Applied Linguistics”
Instructor: Nicole Tracy Ventura, West Virginia University
Abstract: Despite the need for true longitudinal research in applied linguistics, our field tends to prioritize short-term studies for a variety of reasons, many of which center around issues of time and resources. While those are legitimate concerns, in this workshop I hope to highlight many ways of making longitudinal research a reality, even with limited resources. Participants will first learn about the steps required for carrying out both quantitative and qualitative longitudinal research, including 1) planning the project (coming up with research questions and the appropriate methods, applying for funding, applying for IRB/ethics approval, making decisions about publicly sharing your data), 2) collecting data, 3) analyzing results, and 4) disseminating findings. We will also discuss ways of mitigating participant attrition, dealing with surprises, figuring out how long is long enough, utilizing online tools at different stages, and staying motivated over time. Several examples of longitudinal studies will be highlighted, and participants will have the opportunity to workshop ideas for future longitudinal studies.

Friday, October 7, 2022, 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.