Managing and promoting diversity is of paramount importance to the future of sustainability and hence is gaining increasing attention on political and business agendas. Even though diversity management scholarship has grown tremendously over recent years, a strong consensus has emerged that extant theories tend to focus on a single level of analysis, on a limited range of usually Western research settings, and despite the agenda around intersectionality, on a relatively narrow range of types of diversity. Diversity research has thus focused on prioritizing visible forms of diversity, such as gender diversity or disability, with less emphasis placed on diversity in culture and values and across countries. In this seminar, Dr. Georgiadou presented new insights on how the national and macro-social environment impact the institutional approaches to diversity management globally. She introduced a critical reflection of the current discourse on different types of diversity around the world. Finally, she introduced some strategies that could facilitate both organizations and individuals to overcome a plethora of challenges.

502 Keller Building
Monday, October 15, 2018, 3:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.