All Liberal Arts majors are invited to participate in this Career Conversations series. This week will feature Felix M. Nijpels a Strategic Digital Specialist for the Dutch National Police.
Thursday, April 23 at 5:00 p.m. EST via Zoom:
Felix M. Nijpels is a Strategic Digital Specialist for the Dutch National Police, where he has worked since 2005. He holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Science applied to Business from the Hogeschool van Amsterdam and a Master's Degree in Forensic Computing and Cybercrime investigation from the University College Dublin. Felix began his professional career in 1995 in the media sector as Chief News Picture Editor for a major Dutch news picture agency. After this, he was employed by the Kas-Associatie, a securities bank in Amsterdam, where he started as a Junior Programmer and went on to become an Analyst. From 2000 to 2004 he worked for a marketmaker firm as a System Administrator to be later promoted to IT Manager, in which capacity he helped design and oversee the implementation of a Linux-based screen trading system. Throughout his career, Felix has been closely involved with new and emerging IT technologies, both on the implementation and design side. Security, especially whilst employed at the marketmaker firm., has always been a focus for him. He is also familiar with several computer languages and different types of operating systems and network protocols. Felix decided to leave the business world to pursue a career in the Dutch National Police motivated by the desire to use his talents in a way that would allow him to give something back to the community.

Thursday, April 23, 2020, 5:00 p.m.