All Liberal Arts majors are invited to participate in this Career Conversations series. This week will feature a variety of professionals with careers in law. Please use the Zoom links below to attend:
- Monday, March 30: Lawrence Claus, prosecutor (7:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, March 31: Shirleen Chin, international lawyer and eco-justice advocate (2:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, April 1: Andrea Taylor Cornwall, public defender (7:00 p.m.
- Thursday, April 2: Craig Donnachie, FBI special agent (2:00 p.m.
Lawrence Claus served for nearly 50 years as a criminal prosecutor, Grand Jury Counsel, and trial attorney at both state and county levels in Pennsylvania, specializing in public corruption, organized crime, and homicide cases. Mr. Claus successfully prosecuted numerous organized crime and public corruption cases while working for the Pennsylvania Attorney General and rose to the rank of Deputy Attorney General. As an assistant district attorney for Allegheny County (Pittsburgh), Mr. Claus litigated all type of crimes and served as the head of the homicide unit. Mr. Claus also taught for several decades in both undergraduate and graduate university programs, including programs at the University of Pittsburgh and Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Shirleen Chin is an international legal expert working on matters related to environmental crime, international criminal law, illicit trade, anti-corruption, organised crime and economic crimes. She worked largely in the non-profit sector, with some years in the private sector. She holds a BA in Business and Management, an LLB (cum laude) in Public International Law and Human Rights and an MBA in International Business. She is currently the Managing Director of Green Transparency, a firm that provides clients with the tools and expertise they need to effectively manage their environmental strategies. She is based in The Hague, the Netherlands.
Andrea Taylor Cornwall is a proud public defender, having spent her entire legal career with the Wisconsin State Public Defender's Office, representing the indigent in Wisconsin's trial and appellate courts. Ms. Cornwall received her undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, where she worked her way through college as a legal secretary with the local SPD trial office. Inspired by that experience, she then attended the University of Wisconsin Law School, and returned to the SPD as a trial lawyer in Milwaukee before transferring to the Appellate Division, where she has worked for over 20 years, representing clients on direct appeal of convictions for offenses from shoplifting to homicide, as well as involuntary termination of parental rights and mental commitments. She has been Regional Attorney Manager of the Milwaukee Appellate Office since 2015. Ms. Cornwall has argued before the Wisconsin Supreme Court and Wisconsin Court of Appeals and hopes to argue before the United States Supreme Court next term on a case in which she currently has a petition for writ of certiorari pending.
Craig W. Donnachie is from Lebanon, PA. He graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 1992 and served as a U.S. Army officer prior to joining the FBI in 1997. He was assigned to FBI New York's Joint Terrorism Task Force through 2005. He also served assignments at FBIHQ, the FBI Louisville Division, as well as two overseas posts, Berlin, Germany and his current assignment in The Hague, Netherlands. His specialty areas are counterterrorism, organized crime, money laundering, and cyber-based fraud. He is married with three daughters.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.