
Asian Film Series: Dreaming Lhasa

Thursday, February 24, 2011
7:00 p.m.โ€“9:00 p.m. ET
110 Wartik Building
Asian Film Series: Dreaming Lhasa

The third and final film for this second edition of the Asian Film Series is Dreaming Lhasa (2005). Directed by Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam, this movie alternates the main narrative with a documentary of the oppressed Tibet, and thus has been endorsed by Human Rights Watch. Three Tibetans (a filmmaker from New York, a rock musician living in India, and a former Buddhist monk who escaped from Tibet) meet and intertwine their personal journeys of self-discovery and reconnection with blurry, if not lost, common cultural roots. During their travels and adventures, Karma, Jigme and Dhondup create contexts of encounter, and often clash, between the different realities of East and West. Introduction before and discussion after the film hosted by Stefania Travagnin, lecturer of East Asian Buddhism.

This film screens in 110 Wartik Building.

Hybrid Event
110 Wartik Building
