Janell Hobson is Professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University at Albany, State University of New York, where she currently serves as Department Chair. She is the author of Venus in the Dark: Blackness and Beauty in Popular Culture (Routledge, 2005, 2nd ed. 2018) and Body as Evidence: Mediating Race, Globalizing Gender (SUNY Press, 2012).
She also writes and blogs for Ms. Magazine and authored several cover stories for the magazine, including ”Beyoncé’s Fierce Feminism” (Spring 2013). She also writes and engages in scholarship on representations of historical figure, Harriet Tubman. Hobson is working on two projects, under contract with Routledge: a third book, When God Lost Her Tongue: Historical Consciousness and the Black Feminist Imagination, and an edited collection, The Routledge Companion to Black Women’s Cultural Histories: Across the Diaspora, from Ancient Times to the Present.
Dr. Hobson develops with her students' digital public education projects, which have shaped her Digital Classroom. She also engages in public scholarship.
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Tuesday, November 17, 2020, noon–1:00 p.m.