Are you considering law school or already applying?
Join Liberal Arts alumnae currently attending law school to learn more about the application process as well as the educational experience.
Various alumnae will join us from different years and types of law schools to share their tips, suggestions, and experiences.
Aba Aggrey ’22 Criminology and Psychology
- 2L, Fordham University School of Law
Iyanna Ellis ’20 Women’s Studies
- 1L, Quinnipiac University School of Law
Brittany Miraldi ’18 Criminology and Political Science
- 4L, Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University
- Legal Services Manager at Hope’s Door in New York
This event is provided by the Liberal Arts Career Enrichment Network. If you have questions, please contact or 814-865-1070.
Connect via Zoom. Penn State log-in required.