
Workshop by Dr. Andrew Peck (The Pennsylvania State University): “Academic Misconduct in 2019: Where we are and what we are doing about it”

Thursday, February 21, 2019
3:00 p.m.
226 Burrowes Building
Workshop by Dr. Andrew Peck (The Pennsylvania State University): “Academic Misconduct in 2019: Where we are and what we are doing about it”

Dr. Andrew Peck is the Chair of the Liberal arts Academic Integrity Committee, and the Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Psychology at Penn State.

Both the frequency and the nature of technology-enabled academic misconduct have changed dramatically over the last 10 years. In this workshop, we will discuss some of the latest trends in academic misconduct and the College of the Liberal Arts response to these trends. Participants will have the opportunity to view and discuss recently updated resources, including the College's online academic integrity form. There will also be time to address general questions and concerns about both academic misconduct and related policies and procedures.

226 Burrowes Building
