
C-SoDA Lecture Series- Zachary Neal

Monday, December 2, 2019
noon–1:30 p.m.
B001 Sparks Building (Databasement)
C-SoDA Lecture Series- Zachary Neal

Zachary Neal is associate professor of psychology and global urban studies at Michigan State University. His work involves the development and application of network science models to understand how urban economies develop, how people travel by air, how politicians collaborate or avoid each other, and how public school administrators locate information to guide their decisions. He is the author of 4 books and over 60 journal articles, and currently serves as an editor at Journal of Urban Affairs, Evidence and Policy, and Global Networks. You can find him at or @zpneal on twitter. His talk title is "Lemonade from lemons: Extracting social networks from non-network data using bipartite projections"

B001 Sparks Building (Databasement)
