Interested in a career in publishing or editing? Please join alumnae Judy Fletcher and Heather Krehling to learn more about the industry!
Lunch is provided.
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- Judy Fletcher (’83 English) is VP, Content Development at Elsevier*. Judy manages a team of content development professionals who work with experts in medicine, nursing and health-related specialties to create world-leading content in all formats for healthcare professionals. She began her career as an editorial assistant at the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, before moving to WB Saunders in 1985 – a company later purchased by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich and then Elsevier in 2001. Over the years Judy has held positions as an acquisition editor and later publishing director for books, journal and digital content. For the past 15 years, she has managed large, geographically dispersed teams of acquisitions editors, content development professionals, and product managers.
- Heather Krehling (’98 English) is Senior Manager, Point of Care & Patient Engagement at Elsevier*. She currently manages teams who edit content for online publication and for use at the point-of-care within hospital electronic medical records. Heather’s career began as an editorial assistant more than 20 years ago at Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, a company later purchased by Elsevier. She has since worked as a Developmental Editor for book projects, where she partnered with software developers to create and implement a document management system to aid authors in the end-to-end publishing process. More recently as Managing Editor, Digital Content, Heather worked with in-house developers to create an online content management system customized to write, edit, publish, and update content for use on digital platforms. Heather is passionate about authors and editors and has worked most of her career to advocate for them by creating tools, systems, and processes that enable content creators to move from ideation to publication in the easiest, fastest, and best ways possible.
- *Elsevier is one of the world’s largest providers of information for health and science professionals. Founded in 1880, it has grown to serve customers in more than 180 countries. Elsevier has offices in about 40 countries, employing over 30,000 people, half of whom are in located in North America.
124 Sparks Building
Thursday, April 2, 2020, 12:15 p.m.–1:15 p.m.