
South Asian Studies Speaker Series: Divya Cherian

Thursday, March 16, 2023
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
124 Sparks Building
South Asian Studies Speaker Series: Divya Cherian

The South Asian Studies Speaker Series (SASSS) hosts Divya Cherian presenting “Merchants of Virtue: Hindus, Muslims, and Untouchables in Eighteenth-Century South Asia.”

Divya Cherian is an historian of late precolonial and early colonial South Asia. She is an assistant professor of history at Princeton University and the author of the recently published Merchants of Virtue: Hindus, Muslims, and Untouchables in Eighteenth-Century South Asia (University of California Press 2022).

Headshot of Divya Cherian
Headshot of Divya Cherian
124 Sparks Building
