
Screens of Defiance Ukrainian Film Series: “The Natural History of Destruction”

Thursday, October 5, 2023
7:00 p.m.
Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library
Screens of Defiance Ukrainian Film Series: “The Natural History of Destruction”

Sergei Loznitsa’s The Natural History of Destruction (2022) is an eerie docu-collation of archive footage meditating on the horrific aerial bombardment inflicted on cities and civilian populations by the British and Germans during the World War II. Inspired by W.G. Sebald’s’ book and based on archive footage, the film puts forward the question: is it morally acceptable to use civilian population as a means of war? Is it possible to justify mass destruction for the sake of higher ideals? The question remains as relevant today, as it was eighty years ago, and its urgency is tragically manifested in the current events, given the ongoing destruction of Mariupol and other Ukrainian cities by Russia.

Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library