In this webinar participants will learn how to incorporate social responsibility and sustainability into the design and delivery of international HRM (IHRM) courses. We will start by clarifying the “what” and the “why” of infusing responsibility and sustainability principles into IHRM curricula: What are we talking about? And why does it matter? In this part of the webinar we will discuss how to best conceptualize social responsibility and sustainability in the context of IHRM and look at existing frameworks that can be used to guide students’ learning around what is needed to tackle global sustainability challenges. We will further discuss why is it critical to design IHRM strategies and practices that promote sustainability and social responsibility – and why it is important to educate students, executives and HR leaders about how to best accomplish this. The remaining time will be devoted to the “how”-question: Which pedagogical approaches and learning activities work for different students? What are suitable readings, cases, and exercises? And how to make the learning stick?

Thursday, December 7, 2023